Real Stock Pro FAQ


What is the product actually called?

The product is The Real Stock Pro which is made by the company TextureVR.


I see that there are different versions, what’s the difference between each?

The original Real Stock Pro V1 was released in April of 2022 and production ended in mid 2023 after the release of the version 2. You can tell the difference between the V1 and newer V2 models by the forearm and buttstock. The original forearm was designed to add a simulated barrel for extra weight and the stock had a hole through it for adding weight as well. The Real Stock Pro V2 was launched in August of 2023 and comes in two versions. The Real Stock Pro V2 Base model has a real rubber buttpad and a host of improvements over the V1 model. We also launched the Real Stock Pro V2 Ultimate at the same time. The Ultimate version starts with the great V2 base model and adds an adjustable comb, adjustable rubber buttpad and a weight kit that allows the user to simulate any weight between 5.9lbs/2.67kg and slightly over 10lbs/4.5kg in as small as 1oz/28g increments. This allows the user to match the weight of their real-world firearm for the ultimate in realism when practicing in VR. All these accessories can be added to either the V1 or V2 base models later if you decide not to purchase the Ultimate. The V2 forearm has a flat section on the front of the top forearm for mounting extra weight, and we did away with the center hole in the stock when we added the new weight kit.


Are the various accessories available for the Real Stock Pro V2 compatible with the Base model or V1 models?

With the launch of the Real Stock Pro V2 we also launched the adjustable comb, weight kit and adjustable pad. The comb and weight kit are both V1 and V2 compatible. The adjustable comb needs two holes drilled through the stock to install, but each kit comes with a drill template for easy installation. If you’re ordering an Ultimate don’t worry, it comes pre-installed on the stock, so no drilling needed. If you’re buying a new V2 base model and just want an adjustable comb added with your order, just select drill and install before you add it to your cart, and we will drill and install the comb before shipment of your V2 stock. We also added an adjustable rubber buttpad. The pad is V2 compatible so it’s just a simple two screw swap if you want to add it to a V2 base model later. Like the comb, we will install it, if ordered at the same time as a V2 Base model is ordered. As the buttpad is slightly larger in the V2 model we also make a V1 to V2 adapter plate that allows you to use the V2 base rubber or adjustable rubber pad on a V1 stock. This plate adds ¾” to the rear of the stock but the V1 was slightly shorter than the V2 so this makes them both about equal.


Is the weight kit necessary?

First off, the weight kit is purely optional. The Real Stock Pro V1 weighs in at around 4.9lbs/2.2KG with Quest 2 controllers and the Real Stock Pro V2 weighs in at 5.9lbs/2.6kg with the Ultimate weighing slightly more than both with Quest 2 controllers installed. Thus, the current weight is more than enough for serious practice/simulation without being too heavy as to prevent extended play. That being said, the weight kit was our number 1 most requested accessory from the V1 launch. Obviously if your target gun weights 8lbs/3.6kg then the most accurate way to practice would be to match that same 8lbs/3.6kg in VR to reinforce the muscle memory and dial in your practice for your real-world shooting. Thus, the question asked often about our product is should you add weight to your Real Stock Pro, and while that can be argued either way, the next question you should ask is if you do add weight how accurately will it reproduce the weight of your real-world gun? The new Texture VR weight kit doesn't take a one size/weight supposedly fits all approach to VR stock weight by just adding some extra weight to make it generically heavier. If your real-world target gun weighs 8lbs/3.6kg don't you want your VR gun to weigh 8lbs/3.6kg? What separates us from anyone else is by allowing you to add weight in as little as 1oz/28g increments. Our weight kit allows the user to attain any weight between the base Real Stock Pro V1/V2 weight (with Quest 2 controllers) to slightly over 10lbs and anyplace in-between there in 1oz/28g increments. Use as little or as much weight as you want to perfectly match the weight and balance of your real-world gun. The kit includes simulated barrel weight as well as stock weight that allows you to match the weight and balance of your real-world gun to make transitioning from VR practice to real world shooting seamless. The weight kit can also be easily removed if you want to just play versus practice.


I see both a weight kit and a weight kit bracket only. Which one do I need for an existing Real Stock Pro V1 or V2?

We designed the weight kit to accomplish two things. Firstly, to allow the user to add weight in small increments so they can perfectly match their Real-World firearm weight and balance. Secondly, we tried to use off the shelf weight components versus custom machined weights to keep the cost low, and in the case of the bracket only, allow international customers to save on shipping and customs by buying the lighter brackets only and sourcing the weight components on their end at a reduced cost. The weight provided in our kit is split between two form factors. The barrel weight is comprised of stacks of steel fender washers. 1” for the internal weights and 1-1/4” for the external weights in addition to the extra magtube weight. The body weight is created using simple epoxy coated steel wheel weights used to balance car tires. These are provided in 1oz/28g increments with the kit but are available in many weights down to as little as 1/8oz. Those who buy the complete weight kit will be provided with all the weights available in our V2 Ultimate kit that allow you to add a little over 5lbs/2.26kg to the overall weight of your Real Stock Pro. The weight kit bracket only, provides the second barrel nut weight, and all hardware and brackets to attach weight to your Real Stock Pro, but doesn’t include the fender washers or wheel weights, again to save money on international shipping and customs fees for shipments outside the United States.


How did the creation of the Real Stock Pro come about and why can’t I just use one of the cheaper tube stocks?

First of all, you can use any tube stock you want, as most will be better than no stock at all. However, let me tell you why The Real Stock Pro is superior to any currently available VR stock for use in shotgun sports games, most notably Clay Hunt VR. Essentially what makes The Real Stock Pro superior, is it feels like a real shotgun once you’re in VR. It has a real wood forearm, a real wood buttstock and multiple adjustment points that allow you to closely match your real-world shotgun to the Real Stock Pro. With most first person shooter style tube stocks you can come close, but the comb is too narrow, short and too low. With tube stocks, the trigger grip feels nothing like a real shotgun, there is no forearm, typically just another controller mount and all are way too light to simulate a real shotgun. I’ve been shooting shotguns for about 35 years in the real world and was thrilled when Clay Hunt was ported over to VR from mobile. I instantly decided it was not as fun or usable as a training tool without a realistic stock. I started with a high-end tube style stock like many others but found it’s a poor fit for Clay Hunt VR. It’s great for first person shooters where you need to quickly detach controllers, and it needs to be super lightweight for long duration play. However, for Clay Hunt VR none of those things are important compared to having a real feeling stock in both weight and sturdy build. The tube stocks have their place, it’s just not for Clay Hunt VR. As such, TextureVR was founded, and we then started our quest for a realistic feeling stock that would bring true immersion into the game. We developed our stock in conjunction with Clay Hunt VR and had the privilege of working with a worldwide group of beta testers, many of which are high level competitive real-world shooters. We had about 40+ different prototypes that started as close to a real gun in form as you could get, and with the help of our real-world competitive shooting beta testers, the stock morphed into the original Real Stock Pro launched in 2022. Then with tons of feedback from our great V1 users, we developed and launched the current V2 model in 2023.


There are other VR shotgun stocks on the market now, what makes the Real Stock Pro unique?

While other stocks do exist, Texture VR and The Real Stock Pro created the category of VR shotgun stocks back in 2021 along with Clay Hunt VR. Our product is made by shooters for shooters, not by gamers so from the ground up it’s designed to simulate a real shotgun. In the early design stages, we looked to make the Real Stock Pro as close to a real shotgun stock as possible, which is why we use real wood for the forearm and buttstock versus a 3D printed forearm and buttstock. There are plenty of synthetic real-world shotgun stocks, but mostly in field grade hunting only and not many in the competitive clays realm where Clay Hunt VR focuses. Wood is a little more expensive but we felt it mimicked the true feeling of a real shotgun versus the 3D printed material. We do use 3D printed materials and plastic only where necessary which is limited to only two skin contact surfaces, the trigger grip on both the Base and Ultimate versions and the removable adjustable Comb on the Ultimate model. Another big thing that separates us from anyone else is our stock has the ability to not only adjust the length of pull (LOP), comb length, comb height (Ultimate) but also the forearm has the ability to be adjusted for height and forearm angle independent of the buttstock portion. This allows the user to raise or lower the forearm and change the drop of the buttstock by changing the angle of the forearm in relation to the top of the comb. The next most important feature of our stock over others is the trigger group. With our trigger group area, we scanned the yolk area of a real shotgun grip and built our trigger area around that. So rather than just having a generic pistol style grip where your thumb wraps around the back like it would with a pistol, our grip has a full yolk that allows your palm to rest on the grip and your thumb to rest on the yolk just like with a real shotgun. If you want accurate feel for realistic transferable practice you need accurate tools to practice with. Beyond that, the second major benefit of the Real Stock Pro trigger group is that the user has the ability to adjust the trigger height, angle and position on the vertical extrusion versus being locked in a fixed position with only forward and rearward movement possible. Along with the other adjustments we feel The Real Stock Pro has the ability to match the largest number of real-world shotguns, while at the same time giving the user the most authentic shotgun feel for the money. As you can see from the pictures below, you can fit it to Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays and field guns and adjust it for anyone from youth shooters to adults and everything in between. From the pictures you can see the trap gun utilizes the adjustable trigger assembly most by having a more upright angle and raised grip along with the taller and angled forearm. No other stock allows for trigger grip angle and height adjustment except for the Real Stock Pro.

Maxum Impact Over Under A400 MT Autoloader Browning BT 99 Plus Remington Autoloader Stevens 410


How do the controllers mount in the Real Stock Pro and what models are compatible?

The controllers are friction fit into the cavities in the grips. Currently the Real Stock Pro V2 is compatible with the Quest 2/Quest 3 and the Quest Pro. Each grip is made from a precision 3D scan of the left and right Oculus/Meta Quest 2/Quest 3 and Quest Pro controllers which are then modified slightly to provide a small amount of relief when inserting the controllers. When ordering please select either the Quest 2/Quest 3 which fit the same, or the Quest Pro. While the Quest 2/3 and Quest Pro controllers are all the same size, the Quest Pro controllers come with a slightly textured rubberized grip, so they are slightly too tight in the Quest 2/Quest 3 grips. Quest 2/Quest 3 controllers will fit in the Quest Pro grips but may be slightly loose. The V1 stock only had one size grips but after feedback from V1 customers we decided to offer two controller grip sizes with the V2 stocks. The controllers preferably will have the wrist straps removed with the Quest 2 and Quest 3 as this allows them to fully seat into the controller pocket of the grip. The straps MUST be removed to use with the Quest Pro controllers, but it’s a simple push a twist to remove and reinstall the Quest Pro straps. If you would prefer to leave the Quest 2 straps on (OEM straps only) then it is important that the strap be threaded through the hole in the bottom of the controller pocket so the controller sits as deep into the pocket as it can. The reason the controllers need to sit as deep as possible is firstly this causes the most friction which holds the controller in place. Secondly, the yoke of the grip will fit flush with the top of the controller pad when properly seated. Lastly, in Clay Hunt VR the pre-loaded settings are based on the controllers being fully seated. These pre-sets can be further modified but should be spot on if the controllers are seated properly.


How do I reload or use the front controller?

In Clay Hunt VR while in “gunstock” mode you don’t use the front controller at all, everything is controlled with the rear trigger grip controller. The front controller is important to have in place for the Quest 2, but it is used by the software for gun tracking only, no need to touch or use any buttons on the front controller. For Quest 3 the front controller isn’t necessary, but we keep it on as it adds weight and maintains the proper balance. Likewise for the Quest Pro, the controller uses cameras in the controller for tracking versus the infrared lights in the ring of the Quest 2 so you could use only the rear controller for Quest Pro, but we recommend you use both for stock balance and the most precise tracking. Thus, without the need for your front controller, your hand should naturally hold the forearm as you would your real-world shotgun. On the rear grip, the trigger button is obviously the trigger while shooting, but serves as the selector/click button when navigating menus. The side button grips the gun which you must see a white round circle on the gun to pick it up. This function can be toggled on or off in the controller options in Clay Hunt VR if you prefer not to have to hold the side button. The A button calls the bird if you are not using verbal commands, and the B button allows you to pause and go back to the previous menu or settings menu. In gunstock mode, the joystick is used to unload and reload the gun if you don’t have it set to auto-reload. To break open the side by side or over under, you push forward on the joystick and to reload and close you pull back on the joystick. To rack the slide for the pump, you thrust the stock forward and rearward and the built-in motion sensors sense this and pump the gun. To reload the pump and autoloader you'll use the joystick as well. To put the controllers in Gun Stock mode, go to settings via the options menu on the main clubhouse screen, then select controllers, Gun Stock and select the Real Stock Pro to set the base variables. For more information on this and adjusting the variables see FAQ question “How do I adjust the stock in the game to visually match my real-world sight picture?”


How heavy is the stock?

The V1 stock weighs in at 4lbs 9oz/2.22kg with the controllers installed and the V2 stock weighs in at 5lbs 9oz/2.26kg with the Quest controllers installed. It is super solid feeling and not super light on purpose. As avid shooters in the real world, we really wanted to use Clay Hunt VR as a training tool when we can't be out at the range. As a training tool, it needed to be solid first and foremost, as a real shotgun is solid, not flimsy feeling. It also needed to have some weight as a real shotgun isn't super lightweight. Most of our target guns are around 8-9lbs and lightweight upland guns come in at around 6+lbs. An ultralight shotgun would probably be in the high 5lbs to low 6lbs range. Thus, it is still lighter than most shotguns people shoot, but again it needed some weight to approximate a real-world gun. Once in VR it feels real, but just like in real life if you shoot 100 birds straight without dismounting the gun your arms will feel it. Muscle memory is part of training however, and without the weight the muscles just don't respond the same way they do with the real gun weight. Our first prototypes were on the lighter side 1.5-2lbs range and honestly it just didn't feel real. The few testers we exposed to the initial stocks all had the same issue, it just didn't weigh enough to bring the sense of immersion you need to make it believable. Remember this stock isn't aiming for the first-person long-haul shooter games, it's just not built for that. It is built for rounds of skeet, trap or sporting clays or some hunting for which it excels compared to the lighter first-person style stocks. We’ve had users also ask if they can add weight to match their competition guns, which of course you can with our weight kit.


Where does the stock balance?

We worked hard to maintain a neutral balance point that is slightly in front of where the trigger grip is, which on a real gun would essentially be close to the hinge pin on an over under or side by side or mid receiver on an autoloader or pump. Again, if you prefer a balance point different than neutral, weight can be added to the front or rear of the stock on the t-slot extrusions.


Can you get a good mount/cheek weld with your stock?

Getting a good mount/cheek weld is crucial for consistent real world shooting and obviously as practice it is paramount in VR as well. The issue is that to get a proper cheek weld to the comb, the front bottom of the headset actually bumps into the yoke of a traditional stock. I personally shoot mostly high rib guns, so my more upright mount didn’t cause the headset to have much contact with the comb of the stock based on my shooting style. However, my other testers did have more of an issue so 40+ different prototypes later I think we have it dialed in for hopefully a majority of shooters. Essentially you couldn’t get the proper cheek weld with a full stock because of the headset. We tried adding a comb riser, an adjustable comb, and a few other things but essentially it still made contact. With the stock in its current configuration the gap between the grip and the butt allows the shooter to get the proper cheek weld and not have any interference between the headset and yoke of the stock. (see pictures below) Also, with our current stock it’s fully modifiable if you wanted to add an adjustable pad or comb, but honestly you don’t need to. What’s nice about Clay Hunt VR, and props to the developer, is that you can actually tailor the gun mount within the game too. So, while a consistent mount is still critical and obtainable with my stock, it can be further tailored within the game. You can move the gun to look down the rib or place it above or below depending on how you want your sight picture (or lack of). Basically, once you replicate your real-world mount with mine or anyone’s stock (or as close to it as you can get), you can then completely dial in the gun in VR with many in game variables. Essentially with the separation of the trigger grip and the buttstock the user is able to custom tailor the length of pull, as well as the comb length to fit almost any shooter. The gap between the two is also essential as that is where the VR goggles fit, without contacting the stock or comb as the traditional yoke area where the most contact happens is removed. The beauty of the current design is that the length of pull as well as comb length again is fully adjustable for each shooter. The length of pull is adjusted by sliding the butt section forward or rearward. The comb length is adjusted via the included two pad spacers and butt pad. Basically, when the design began, I started with a full stock figuring it would come closest to a real feeling shotgun, but after consulting with my testers (I had a bunch of real-world competitive shooters help me with the design) it turns out that it’s actually a problem to have a full stock.

Goggle Fit


What style shotgun does the Real Stock Pro simulate?

In Clay Hunt VR the Real Stock Pro can simulate all guns and works with all the guns, but there is no slide to simulate a pump action and the stock doesn’t break open to simulate an over under/side by side. You can still use the pump as the developer added a bump feature to simulate racking a slide with the accelerometers. Thus, to use the pump you need to pump the gun forward to rack the slide. For an over under you can use the joystick to break open and close the action. The stock is fully functional for all the guns in Clay Hunt VR, but as far as simulation goes, it most closely mirrors an over under and auto loader. What you have to understand is the VR gun should be setup as close as possible to your real-world shotgun, so when in VR it feels real. The frame is just that, a frame to hold the forearm, grip, and butt. Its job is not to look like a real gun, but to feel like one in VR and most importantly simulate what your real-world gun feels like. I'm a competitive Clay shooter myself and designed the stock from the ground up as a training tool to assist in training for my real-world shooting. Likewise, I was lucky enough to have real world competitive shooters all over the world to be my testers so I could design a product that not only worked for me, but also worked for a majority of real-world shooters. There were probably 40+ versions we created before we finalized the design. Overall, it was in development for around 8 months before we released the product you see today.


How is The Real Stock Pro adjusted and will it fit me?

The real stock pro includes, 5/32 ball hex wrench that fits all the screws on the stock with the exception of the buttpad, which uses two Phillips head screws and the buttstock sliders which use thumbwheels. The main adjustment points are the forearm, rear assembly, grip assembly and buttstock assembly. We have had shooters 6’6” tall to ten years old’s barely over 4’ use the stock and everything in-between. The Real Stock Pro has the benefit of having so many adjustment points that it would be difficult to imagine someone it couldn’t be made to fit. To see all the available adjustment points please refer to the illustration below.

Adjustability V2 Adjustability V2 Ultimate


How do I setup the Real Stock Pro?

Setup is pretty easy and only needs to be done once to match your real-world gun. The easiest way is to assemble the stock per the included assembly instructions, then get yourself a long piece of paper or unfold the box it shipped in and trace your real-world gun outline on the paper. Place your Real Stock Pro over that and adjust accordingly. If you don’t want to go the paper route then place the Real Stock Pro next to (not on top or bottom) your real-world gun and visually adjust it to match forearm distance/height/angle and LOP. Then when you think you have it close, hold your Real Stock Pro over your real-world Gun and compare. Be careful when holding your Real Stock Pro over your real-world gun not to let them touch as the metal frame components are harder than wood so do not directly place the Real Stock Pro on top of or below your real world stock as damage could occur. Ideally you want the trigger to be in the same place as your Real-World Trigger. The buttpad should be at the same length and the forearm should be at the same angle and height as your real-world gun. Remember you can always tweak it for feel afterwards, but you want to closely match your real world for accurate practice. If you’re not a shooter and don’t have a real world gun, just set up the Real Stock Pro to where it feels comfortable. If you later pick up a real-world gun you can always readjust the stock to match then. Adjustments like cast and sight picture don’t work the same way in VR as they do in real life, so they aren’t important to have in the physical VR stock as they are set up and adjusted on the virtual gun in the software, not the real gun. Thus, sight picture down your VR stock isn’t important as the sight picture, as well as cast and point of impact are all adjusted in the virtual world. Detailed instructions on how to set up and adjust your Real Stock Pro are included with every purchase.

Maxum Impact Over Under A400 MT Autoloader Browning BT 99 Plus Remington Autoloader Stevens 410


How do I adjust the stock in the game to visually match my real-world sight picture?

In the options menu (gear icon at the top left of the menu screen in the club house) there are two tabs, General and Controllers. Select the controllers tab to configure the gunstock mode in the game. There is a Real Stock Pro default in the game which for most puts the VR gun in perfect alignment. However, if you shoot a high rib or need to slightly adjust the position of the virtual gun on screen, go to the Offset Configuration section where you can adjust the X, Y and Z variables in addition to the Yaw, Pitch and Roll settings. All adjustments in the Offset Configuration are centered around the trigger hand of the stock. To adjust these variables, pick up the virtual gun beneath the menu and peek out of your google to see if your hands match the virtual hands on the stock. Next, mount and look down the barrel in the VR. If something is off drop the virtual gun, adjust the variables, then pick it back up to check alignment. Keep doing this until your VR sight picture matches your real world sight picture. There also is a left- and right-hand selection in the controller’s section. As there is a dedicated Right and Left grip on the Real Stock Pro, you will have to swap the two if you need to set up the stock for left-handed use as it comes factory default for right handers. Switching the setting in the software allows the controllers to be swapped so the left controller functions as gun grip and trigger and the right as tracking. You can disable the front controller, but we highly recommend you always have it enabled to provide more accurate tracking. When everything is all set, move to the pattern board to test your point of impact. The POI in the game should be set to 50/50 at the pattern board. Next, take a few shots and see if your pattern places where it should. If not you can adjust further in the adjustments section to put the shot placement where it should be. Remember, there is no real world alignment you need to do on the Real Stock Pro other than matching your real world gun. The sight picture and POI are all set in the VR world.


What is the stock made of?

The Real Stock Pro is made from industrial grade aluminum extrusion, custom machined billet aluminum, steel, real firearm rubber buttpads and real wood with the exception of the two grip pieces and the front controller holder that are all made from an extremely durable form of PLA plastic called PLA+. According to the filament manufacturer, this plastic (derived from corn not petrochemicals) has equal to superior durability to ABS 3D printed parts. The only drawback to the 3D printed parts is they are slightly heat sensitive. Glass temperatures (the temperature where the material becomes pliable) are around 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Celsius. Hotter then you would ever get it so nothing to worry about for normal use, but please don’t leave your Real Stock Pro in a hot car in the summer time or on top of a heater as the parts could warp.


It doesn’t look like a shotgun so how is it used as a training tool?

As the training is done in VR, you need to remember the most important things about the stock is that it simulates the real feeling and position of your real-world shotgun, not necessarily look like your real-world shotgun. The key is when the VR goggles are on that you feel like you’re holding a real shotgun as is represented on the VR screen. The simple answer is yes, it does feel exactly like holding a real gun when in VR. The key to this is the extreme adjustability of the Real Stock Pro, that allows you to set it next to your real-world gun and adjust, forearm angle, stock drop, length of pull, comb length, trigger grip angle, weight and many others that allow you to closely mimic your real life set up. Then once in VR, those settings can be further tweaked via the software to mirror your real-world sight picture when shooting.


What about cast, I’m a right (or left) handed shooter?

While stock cast is important in real world shooting, remember that there is no real barrel or need to line up a bead in the non-virtual world with this stock. The cast is neutral as to accommodate both left- and right-handed shooters, and the cast or bead alignment is done virtually in the software/app. In the case of Clay Hunt VR, you just need to change the setting in the Gun Stock mode if you need to bring the barrel left or right for better alignment down the rib. Again, your mind makes up the difference as visually you will have the correct alignment once in VR.


Is there a left and right hand version of the Real Stock Pro?

As for hand dominance, the Real Stock Pro can be switched for either right- or left-hand dominance. The stock will come from the factory set up for right hand use but loosening two simple screws is all you need to do to swap the front grip to the rear and visa versa to set the stock up for left-handed use. There is a left/right hand selector in Clay Hunt VR that allows you to select which hand you shoot with, which is then correctly displayed in the app. The grip gun button (side button) is what differentiates the right from the left, but the controller grips only fit the right controller in the right grip and the left controller in the left grip, so you can’t just swap controllers, you have to swap the grip housings to move from right to left-handed stock.


Where is the Real Stock Pro made?

While we source a few of the components used in the Real Stock Pro (screws, nuts, extrusion) the assembly and manufacture of much of the custom parts happens all in the USA. All 3D parts and connector plates are manufactured in house, and the final assembly, quality control and shipping happens in our state-of-the-art factory in Michigan.


Do you ship outside the USA?

We do ship internationally to many countries but not all. If you don’t see your country available in the drop down list please contact us directly and we may be able to add it.


How much is international shipping?

It depends on the county being shipped to, but in the checkout process it will give you all your shipping speed options and the cost for each. However, we do not control import duties, tariffs or customs fees, which if any, will be due upon the receipt of the package. Unfortunately, we have no control of these so we can’t predict how much it might be. The price you pay at checkout is for the product and shipping only, all potential import taxes/duties/VAT etc. will be due to the carrier before they can deliver. Typically, the import fees will be available once your product clears customs. These fees can often be paid online via the tracking number to expedite delivery. It is important to note that product not delivered due to import fees not paid or refused will not receive a full refund as we will need to not only pay shipping to your address, but return shipping to get the product back so your refund will be minus your original shipping, return shipping and any fees incurred to return the product. If this is not acceptable, please do not order the product.


I’m an international customer can you send it with a value of $0

We cannot send it for any other value than what it was purchased for, so all applicable taxes/import fees/duties/VAT/fees will be due before the product is delivered. These fees vary by country, but please note that we have no control over importation fee’s and the price you pay at checkout DOES NOT include these fees. The price you pay at check out is for the products and shipping only, all fees associated with importation to your country will be due to the shipper once the package has cleared customs in your country. You will receive a tracking number when your product ships, you will then be able to track the package and pay the import fees online via that tracking number. It is important to note that product not delivered due to import fees not paid or refused will not receive a full refund as we will need to not only pay shipping to your address, but return shipping to get the product back so your refund will be minus your original shipping, return shipping and any fees incurred to return the product. If this is not acceptable, please do not order the product.


I don’t see an answer to a question I have can I contact you?

Of course you may contact us via the contact us form. We do not have a telephone contact number but monitor the email daily for questions.